Le Repas des Fauves

Julien Sibre

Le Repas des Fauves

Julien Sibre

Date of creation : 2010
Genre : Comedy
Duration : 1h40min
Characters : 2 women, 6 men
Sets : 1 set : living-room
Original language : French
Available translations : English, Spanish
Video recording : Yes


Paris 1942. Seven guests, more or less comfortable with the German occupation, meet at one of their homes to celebrate their hostess’s birthday. The evening is going well when two German officers are shot dead at the foot of their apartment building. In retaliation, the Gestapo took over the building and decided to take two hostages per apartment. However, Commandant Kaubach, who is in charge of the operation, recognizes the owner of the apartment, Mr. Pélissier, as a bookseller from whom he regularly buys books. Anxious to maintain the courteous relationship he has always enjoyed with him, he decides to let them finish their dinner and only pick up his hostages at
dessert. Better still… he leaves them free to choose the two hostages who will accompany him. And so begins “Le Repas des Fauves”.


The Play

Le Repas des Fauves” was created in 2010 and played 700 times in its first version, between Le Théâtre Michel and the Palais Royal in Paris, as well as a national and international tour of over 160 dates.
The play was presented in over a hundred cities in France, 4 in Belgium and a dozen in Switzerland, as well as in Aosta, Italy and Nouméa.
In 2011, the play won three Molières awards, for Best Private Theater Show, Best Direction and Best Adaptation.
The new version, presented on the Théâtre Hebertot stage since September 2023, should soon top 200 performances, and to date has been seen by some 300,000 spectators.
The play was also adapted and directed by Julien Sibre in Italy, and produced in the Czech Republic.