Clément Michel

Playwright, director, screenwriter, producer and actor.


– Father or Son, 2019, Théâtre de la Renaissance.
Directed by Arthur Jugnot and David Roussel, with Patrick Braoudé, Arthur Jugnot, Catherine Hosmalin, Flavie Péan, Julien Personnaz, Laurence Porteil

– Addition, 2016, Théâtre de la Gaîté Montparnasse.
Directed by David Roussel, with Guillaume Bouchède, Stéphan Guérin-Tillié and Clément Michel.

– One week, no more! 2011, Théâtre Hébertot.
Directed by Arthur Jugnot and David Roussel, with Louise Danel, and in alternation: Arthur Jugnot, Arnaud Pfeiffer, David Roussel and Alexandre Sibiril.

– Le Grand Bain, 2009, Théâtre Michel.
Directed by Stéphane Boutet, with Herrade von Meier alternating with Aurélie Bargème, Vanessa Guide, Maud Le Guenedal, Yannik Mazzilli, Clément Michel, David Roussel.

– Early evening, 2005, Comédie de Paris.
Directed by Ludovic Pacot-Grivel, with Arnaud Cermolacce, Badr Iffach, Anthony Marty, Laure Mathurier and Virginie Molina.

Le Carton, 2001, Comédie de Paris.
Directed by Eric Hénon and Clément Michel, with Vincent Lambert, Stéphane Henon, Audrey Dana, Clément Michel, David Roussel, Clémence Aubry and Ingrid Maresky.

Other plays

– Paris-Glasgow, 2024