Erika Halvorsen

Playwright and screenwriter (Argentina)


– Bisnietas.
Herederas del Viento
, 2018,
Palatforma Lavardén.
Directed by Andréa Fernandez, with Andrea Landaburu, Fernanda Lopez Lopez, Susana Meyer and Nevenka Svarka.
First prize at FesTeSa 2018. – Ser Ellas, 2017, El Tinglado Theatre.
Directed by Adrían Blanco, with Ana Celentano, Anabel Cherubito and Fabiana García Lago. – Happy Hour, 2015, Sala Siranush.
Directed by Erika Halvorsen, with Andy Kutnetzoff. – Me Doy el Gusto, 2013, Teatro Picadero.
Directed by Erika Halvorsen, with Adriana Barraza. – Mátame de Nuevo, 2011, Teatro La Comedia.
Directed and cast by Gerardo Begérez, Marcelo Iglesias.

Other plays

Noruegas, 2008, Instituto Nacional del Teatro(INT), First Prize in INT’s National Drama Theatre Award.
Published by Éditions Teatro 10 de l’INT.