Genre : Drama
Duration : 1h30min
Characters : 2 women, 2 men
Sets : 1single set - a bunker
Original language : French
Available translations : No
Video recording : Yes


Set against a historical backdrop, the play recounts the final hours of Magda Goebbels, wife of Joseph Goebbels, the Third Reich’s Minister of Propaganda.
A Nazi fanatic, she killed her six children before committing suicide with her husband in the Führer’s Berlin bunker.

The Play

J.P Noël’s second play, “Magda”, recounts the last days of Magda Goebbels in Hitler’s bunker.
A reading of this play was given at the Théâtre De Poche – Montparnasse, directed by Anne Poirier-Busson and Jean-Paul Bordes.