Scusa Sono In Riunione, Ti Posso Richiamare?
Gabriele Pignotta

Scusa Sono In Riunione, Ti Posso Richiamare?
Gabriele Pignotta
SORRY, I’M IN A MEETING… PUIS-JE VOUS RAPPELER? is a topical, acerbic comedy of misunderstandings that, with irony, invites us to reflect on the obsession with visibility and the thirst for success that characterize our era. A group of college friends who, without really realizing it, have become overworked forty-somethings gather for the funeral of one of their friends. Their souls torn between their all-consuming ambitions and their need for affection, will these forty-somethings really be so busy with meetings and “calls” that they’ll always have an excuse to put off the essential things, like feelings, having children, committing to a life as a couple, accepting that their parents are growing old? In this hilarious comedy, Gabriele Pignotta pours out the anxieties and complaints he observes among his peers with ironic, hilarious verve…
The Play
Scusa Sono In Riunione, Ti Posso Richiamare? (Sorry I’m in a meeting, can I call you back?) premiered in 2020 at Rome’s Teatro Manzoni. Written and directed by Gabriele Pignotta, and starring Vanessa Incontrada, Fabio Avaro, Siddhartha Prestinari, Nick Nicolosi and Gabriele Pignotta. Following its success, the play toured nationally during the last Italian season 2023/24, and is back on stage for the 2024/2025 season.